2021 Wrap-up

Bessie Chu
3 min readDec 30, 2021


I wanted to try a new update to keep in touch but fell off the idea of doing an e-mail newsletter. I think this is a good yearly public post format.


In Shizhuo, Taiwan

I started 2021 in Taiwan after the Taiwan Quarantine experience (10/10 recommend). I have to say, being Taiwanese-American has now superseded my Asian American identity by leaps and bounds. It was great to live COVID free for a few months and not eat outside in the snow. If 2020 felt like a slow slog of despair and death, 2021 felt like a speed reel of contrasting revolving doors I’ve been through in and out of confusedly to reach a state where life is pretty much back to normal for me except I put on a mask when I go to the subway and show a vax pass to go to a crowded nightclub, and I’m not mad at that.

Much sooner than I thought after a few more months of cold wintery purgatory in NYC, my parents were able to get the vaccine. I could finally visit them after over 15 months of worrying about infecting them. A few weeks later, I got my first dose. June in NYC had a palpable euphoria in the air. A taxi driver that picked me up excitedly said, “The city is back!” at one point. Summer was then tamped a bit by the Delta variant but not for long. I actually forgot my masks on many occasions in NYC after we briefly abandoned them, except on the train. And then I ended the year alone on Christmas (again) after getting omicron, but I feel great now and ready to run about the world in 2022.


Not that the pandemic wasn’t exhausting enough, I decided to take two leaps of faith. First, I left my cushy director-level job at GroupM, needed a change after so long. I became an individual contributor again at a start-up doing something differently entirely, exploring new ways of applying a technology and wearing more hats. Second, I enrolled in a joint EMBA program run by UCLA and the National University of Singapore, hoping to make Asia a focus in my career again sometime in the next few years. I’ve been learning a lot, and it’s been very humbling. I’m exhausted but grateful.

Things I’ve enjoyed:





Gives: Transitioning from a corporate career to start-up, business school questions, product management questions, data security and privacy issues

Ask: Expansions on the above, making the most of a business degree, long-term career planning

Happy 2022!



Bessie Chu

Taiwanese-American working as a Platform Product Director in Taipei, Taiwan. New Yorker. 626-raised. Optimist at heart in a realist’s clothing.